What is the Healthiest Trail Mix?
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What is the Healthiest Trail Mix?

A good and healthy trail mix will taste great but not be loaded with salt and added sugar. Fruits add natural sweetness to a trail mix that perfectly combines with the salty and buttery flavor of nuts.

The Nutritional Value of Trail Mix

The beneficial components of trail mix are protein, carb, and fat. The nuts add significant value in that they are high in protein and low carb. Even with a good amount of fat, nuts carry omega-3 fatty acids that are the healthy fat that your body needs.

This combination answers the question, is trail mix low glycemic? Yes, it is. With a low carbohydrate count, nuts help to regulate blood sugar. You can add dried fruit like dried cranberries or apricots to bring out a sweet flavor in your trail mix.

Recipe for Trail Mix

You can mix a variety of roasted nuts like cashews, almonds, and pistachios and add in dates or dried mango. Our prepackaged nuts that are roasted perfectly with or without salt are available to fit your dietary needs and lifestyle.

If mixing your own trail mix is not your preference, you can find a variety of trail mix options at Nature’s Garden, including a Keto or Heart-Healthy mix. We also have combinations available that are rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids to increase your healthy fats intake.

If you would like to make trail mix bars to add variety to your snacks, you can combine our trail mix with blended dates to create a sweet homemade bar that is chewy and satisfying.

Combine dates with nut butter, coconut oil, and honey for a sweet and chewy base, and then add the trail mix. You can find the exact recipe here.

Get creative with your snacks to feel like you are indulging while taking in healthy options that your body will thank you for at the end of the day.

Healthy Trail Mix by Nature’s Garden

At Nature’s Garden, we offer snacks like trail mixes that aren’t packed with added sugars. They are loaded with antioxidants, and Omega-3’s to give you the perfect balance of salty and sweet. Check out our organic snack packs for the ideal snacking at home or on the go.

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