Why Should I Buy Organic Nuts?
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Why Should I Buy Organic Nuts?

Is it necessary to spend extra money to buy organic ingredients while you are at the grocery store? A quick search online can make it confusing about whether organic is worth the cost. But, as people learn more about the adverse health effects of pesticides and other farming chemicals, they often prioritize their spending to buy high-quality ingredients for their families.

Organic Nuts vs. Non-Organic

When it comes to nuts and seeds, you might feel a bit of sticker shock at the organic prices. When should you prioritize your grocery budget to splurge on organic ingredients?

Put non-organic and organic cashews side-by-side, and they might look the same. But there notable differences that can have a long-term impact on your health. Even though a shell protects the seeds or nut meat, there are still ways that chemical exposure affects the quality of the nut.

Non-organic nuts are treated with synthetic chemicals, such as pesticides and fertilizers. Additionally, it’s common for commercially sold nuts and seeds to be pasteurized, which means that they are steam-heated to kill any bacteria or pathogens.

If you want the highest quality nutrients, it’s worth the extra cost to buy organic, raw nuts. It’s also recommended that you buy organic as much as possible when purchasing cashews, peanuts, and pistachios.

How Long Do Organic Mixed Nuts Last?

Check the packaging to find the “Best By” or expiration date on your mixed nuts. Most nuts can be stored in the pantry for a few months after the best by date. Alternatively, put them in the fridge for an extra year of storage or the freezer for up to two years of storage. These colder environments help to protect the nuts and reduce the risk of them turning rancid.

Depending on your preference, you can find both salted and unsalted mixed nuts. Some people enjoy the flavor with a little bit of salt added, while others don’t like the extra salt in their diets.

Organic Nuts and Trail Mixes

When you need delicious organic trail mixes, then Nature’s Garden is here to help. Check out our trail mix varieties to find healthy, tasty treats made with high-quality ingredients.

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I would recommend raw organic walnuts It is great plant based source
of omega 3 fatty acids.It is inexpensive based on the total price per package
and number of calories, thank you for reading

Brad S Lucas

I would recommed raw organic walnuts It is great plant based source
of omega 3 fatty acids.

Brad S Lucas

I loved that you pointed out that organic nuts have the highest quality nutrients, so it is worth the extra to buy them. This is something that I will consider because I am planning to shop for walnuts for my mother since she has been diabetic since last year. Since I want her to get all the health benefits that walnut can offer, I will do your tips. https://tataraw.org/shop

Shammy Peterson

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