Probiotic Prunes for Health Benefits
6 min read

The Remarkable Health Benefits of Probiotic Prunes

Prunes, often recognized for their sweet taste and chewy texture, extend far beyond just being a delightful treat. These dehydrated plums, transitioning from vibrant fresh fruits to savory-sweet dried offerings, pack a nutritional punch that can positively influence various aspects of health.

What Exactly Are Prunes?

Prunes are essentially plums that have undergone dehydration to extend their shelf life. Known also as dried plums, their color ranges from deep red-brown to almost black, offering a unique combination of sweetness and depth in flavor.

Shelf Life and Storage

Thanks to their preservation process, prunes boast an impressive shelf life — lasting up to six months in a pantry and can stretch to a year when refrigerated properly.

Nutritional Insight into Prunes

A modest serving of five prunes delivers:

  • Calories: 104
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 28 grams
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Sugar: 17 grams

Prunes stand out as a rich source of vital nutrients including Vitamin A, C, K, Iron, Manganese, Copper, and Vitamin B6, alongside a significant potassium content that supports muscle, nerve, and heart function.

Health Benefits of Prunes

Prunes for Improved Digestion and Gut Health

  • Rich in Fiber: Prunes come loaded with dietary fiber, about 3 grams in a modest serving of 4-5 fruits. This fiber is crucial for your digestive system, acting like a gentle sweep that helps collect and move waste through your intestines efficiently, preventing constipation.
  • Sorbitol Content: Additionally, prunes contain sorbitol, a sugar alcohol with a unique ability to draw water into the intestines. This added moisture softens stool, facilitating smoother bowel movements and enhancing overall gut health.

Prunes for Bone Health Support

When it comes to bone health, especially for those navigating the postmenopausal phase, our dietary choices can have a significant impact. Interestingly, recent research shines a light on the relationship between Prunes and Bone Health

A fascinating study, known as the Prune Study, has revealed that consuming just 50 grams of prunes daily (that's around five to six prunes) can help preserve hip bone mineral density over a span of 12 months in postmenopausal women. This group is particularly vulnerable to osteoporosis, making this finding incredibly relevant and promising.

What's more, participants in the study were more than happy to incorporate prunes into their daily routine, showing "high compliance and retention." In simpler terms, they found adding prunes to their diet both enjoyable and easy to stick with—highlighting prunes as a practical addition to one’s diet.

Prunes for Heart-Health

Prunes, rich in nutrients, play a significant role in enhancing heart health, primarily through their high antioxidant content and fiber. Antioxidants help combat oxidative stress and reduce inflammation, both of which are linked to cardiovascular disease (CVD) risks. The fiber in prunes contributes to lowering "bad" LDL cholesterol levels while raising "good" HDL cholesterol, improving the overall cholesterol profile. Moreover, prunes contain potassium, which aids in blood pressure regulation. Their unique combination of vitamins, minerals, and phenolic compounds work synergistically to support cardiovascular health, making prunes a valuable addition to a heart-healthy diet.

Prunes for Weight Management

Eating prunes as part of a balanced diet for weight control not only adds a sweet twist but also packs a powerful punch in supporting weight loss efforts. University of Liverpool research reveals that individuals incorporating prunes into their lifestyle diet saw notable results—shedding an average of 2kg in weight and trimming 2.5cm off their waistlines over a 12-week period. This study stands out by showing prunes, often overlooked during weight loss due to their sweetness, actually enhance feelings of fullness.  The participants enjoyed prunes daily without experiencing any adverse effects, highlighting prunes' role not just as a tasty snack but as a strategic ally in achieving weight management goals. Through increased satiety and consistent weight loss, especially in the study's later weeks, prunes prove to be a useful and convenient addition to a health-conscious diet, making the journey toward weight loss both manageable and enjoyable.


The inclusion of probiotic prunes in your diet represents an investment in your long-term health. Their unique combination of fiber, probiotics, vitamins, and minerals offers comprehensive benefits, making them a potent tool for enhancing overall wellness. As research continues to unfold, the value of integrating nutrient-dense foods like probiotic prunes into your diet becomes increasingly clear. By embracing these nutritious fruits, you can enjoy not only their delicious taste but also the myriad health benefits they bring.

Can prune juice effectively relieve constipation?

Yes, prune juice is highly effective for relieving constipation due to its high sorbitol content, a natural laxative that draws water into the intestines, softening stools and making them easier to pass. Drinking a glass of prune juice daily can help maintain regular bowel movements.

How do prunes support bone health, especially in postmenopausal women?

Prunes are beneficial for bone health because they are rich in nutrients like vitamin K, manganese, and potassium, which are essential for maintaining bone density. Consuming about 50 grams of prunes daily has been shown to help preserve hip bone mineral density over a year in postmenopausal women, reducing their risk of osteoporosis.

Are there any anti-aging benefits associated with eating prunes?

Absolutely! Prunes are packed with antioxidants, which combat oxidative stress and inflammation in the body—two major contributors to the aging process. Regularly consuming prunes can help protect the skin from damage and maintain its elasticity, potentially slowing down the appearance of aging.
Ali Aydinak
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